Join us in making some noise to demand common sense gun policies.

Join us in making some noise to demand common sense gun policies.

Join us in making some noise to demand common sense gun policies.Join us in making some noise to demand common sense gun policies.Join us in making some noise to demand common sense gun policies.

Take Action

Let's Start Banging!


 AR-15 assault rifles have become the favored weapon of American mass shooters, and it is time to get them off of our streets. These weapons of war are intended to do one thing—kill as many people in as short amount of time as possible.  If you are frustrated by our government's inaction to stop these mass shootings, join us in making some noise to demand change. At 7pm your local time, bang your pots and pans to demand a federal ban on assault weapons. Share videos and pictures of your banging using the hashtag #Bang4aBan. Then tag 7 of your friends and challenge them to do it too. 

What Are We Banging For?


Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and a number of her colleagues have introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019, a bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. This bill won’t stop every mass shooting, but it will begin the process of removing these weapons of war from our communities. You can also call or write your representatives and urge them to support this bill. Make some noise to demand that Congress members do their job and pass this legislation! 

Why, Who, Where


Why: Making calls, signing petitions and attending protests are all needed, AND we need to get even louder and more creative with our actions. Banging pots and pans is an effective protest action that originated in South America, where it is called a "cacerolazo". It is something people can do from their homes and with their children - and it's kinda fun! 

Who: Everyone is welcome! Include your kids, your family, your friends - the more the better.

Where: In your kitchen, on your porch, wherever you are! And don't forget to share on your favorite social media outlets. 

Who We Are

This campaign was started by a small group of women looking to raise our voices to demand sensible gun control policies.   

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody." - Lily Tomlin

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If you have questions, you can contact us at  We will do our best to get back to you.